Public Libraries Of Los Angeles
With your Los Angeles Public Library Student Success Card and PIN, you have access to unlimited books, ebook, audiobooks, many more than we carry in our collection at Lincoln.
You all have been issued an LAPL SSC + PIN, to retrieve your information, click here.
Free eBooks and Audiobooks from LAPL

Libby is a free ebook and audiobook app that works with your LAPL SSC card. Download the free Libby app.
Connect your LAPL SSC and PIN to access an excellent collection of free ebooks and audio books.
Don’t be discouraged if your item isn’t available, holds become available very quickly.
Click here for directions.
The main difference between Hoopla Digital and Libby is that Hoopla Digital has **no waiting**
Everything they have is available instantly and you can renew as many times as you like.
Go to Hoopla Digital (or download the free app). Sign up and connect your LAPL SSC and PIN.
Complete your profile for free ebooks, movies, series, music,
Click here for directions.
Connect your LAPL SSC and PIN to access an excellent collection of free ebooks and audio books.
Don’t be discouraged if your item isn’t available, holds become available very quickly.
Click here for directions.
The main difference between Hoopla Digital and Libby is that Hoopla Digital has **no waiting**
Everything they have is available instantly and you can renew as many times as you like.
Go to Hoopla Digital (or download the free app). Sign up and connect your LAPL SSC and PIN.
Complete your profile for free ebooks, movies, series, music,
Click here for directions.
Free Magazines and Newspapers from LAPL

Free magazines and newspapers from all over the world from Pressreader and your library.
Go to the site or download the free app.
Sign up using your LAPL SSC and PIN.
Can’t find the magazine you’re looking for on PressReader? There are even more free magazines from Libby and your library.
Go to the Libby site or download the free app.
Sign up using your LAPL SSC and PIN.
Chinese Language Magazines via Hyread and LAPL.
Click here to access via your SSC and PIN.
Go to the site or download the free app.
Sign up using your LAPL SSC and PIN.
Can’t find the magazine you’re looking for on PressReader? There are even more free magazines from Libby and your library.
Go to the Libby site or download the free app.
Sign up using your LAPL SSC and PIN.
Chinese Language Magazines via Hyread and LAPL.
Click here to access via your SSC and PIN.
Korean Language Magazine via Moazine and LAPL.
Click here to access via your SSC and PIN
Click here to access the New York Times Digital Edition via your LAPL SSC + PIN.
Click here to access the New York Times Digital Edition via your LAPL SSC + PIN.
Free Movies and Series from LAPL

Can’t find it on Netflix or Hulu? Don’t have Netflix or Hulu?
LAPL has got you covered with Hoopla Digital, Kanopy, Digitalia and Medici TV.
Movies of all kinds including documentaries, current hits and classic favorites, as well as series from around the world, courtesy of your library.
Click on the names of the platforms above to connect for free viewing via your LAPL SSC and PIN.
LAPL has got you covered with Hoopla Digital, Kanopy, Digitalia and Medici TV.
Movies of all kinds including documentaries, current hits and classic favorites, as well as series from around the world, courtesy of your library.
Click on the names of the platforms above to connect for free viewing via your LAPL SSC and PIN.
Free Music and Podcasts from LAPL

Borrow music from Hoopla Digital or Freegal, the free digital music service from the library with over 15 million songs plus music videos, plus audiobooks.
Click on the names of the platforms above on how to access for free using your LAPL SSC + PIN.
LAPL publishes a two podcasts:
Aloud, weekly on a variety on topics, explore by category or date.
Career Conversations, where guests speak about their careers.
Connect on the LAPL site or via iTunes.
Click on the names of the platforms above on how to access for free using your LAPL SSC + PIN.
LAPL publishes a two podcasts:
Aloud, weekly on a variety on topics, explore by category or date.
Career Conversations, where guests speak about their careers.
Connect on the LAPL site or via iTunes.
Homework Help

Need help with homework? In any subject? Get a real-life, personal tutor via LAPL and using your SSC + PIN.
Speak to an expert and get one-on-one help in any subject area.
You can even request the same tutor again if you felt they were really helpful.
Speak to an expert and get one-on-one help in any subject area.
You can even request the same tutor again if you felt they were really helpful.
Need Ms. Moayeri and can't get hold of her for some reason? Ask a Librarian at LAPL with your SSC + PIN. They have a wealth of information on a variety of topics from filling out a job application to where to find the best research resources and book recommendations.
Need to learn how to do something? Anything? LinkedIn Learning has a huge collection of "how-to" videos that are professionally created and very detailed. Access these with your LAPL SSC + PIN
Need some additional assistance with your foreign language course or just want to learn a new language, tap into Mango Languages and expand your world with your LAPL SSC + PIN.
LAPL Databases
Click here to access Los Angeles Public Library's databases of information for research and reliable websites via their site.
The databases and websites are organized by topic.
You will need you LAPL Student Success Card and PIN to access the databases so make sure to have those handy.
College and Career

We have the best counselors and college resources at Lincoln and the Los Angeles Public Library can also help.
Workshops on getting ready for college, including paying for college the application process, essay writing and test prep.
Websites with excellent information on jobs for teens and financial aid.
Career Conversations Podcasts with interviews with a people working in a variety of careers with firsthand information on what those jobs are like and what it's like working in those fields.
LAPL branches local to Lincoln High School
Our neighborhood branch of the Los Angeles Public Library is Lincoln Heights Branch. Our young adult librarian is Ms. Kelcey Soderstrom.
Lincoln Heights Branch offers many free programs including SAT prep and practice test, homework help, Happy Friday For Teens, free WiFi, computer use, and printing which is free if it's for homework.
You can also volunteer at the library and complete those hours.
Additional information about LAPL, applying for family members and teacher cards
Locations, hours, maps, and events, including locations that are open for pick-up and go, click here.
You should already have a Student Success Card that is good at any library branch. If you do not have a Student Success Card, Ms. Moayeri can help you to obtain one.
Or you can retrieve your SSC number and PIN yourself by completing and submitting a verification form here.
Or you can retrieve your SSC number and PIN yourself by completing and submitting a verification form here.
Your 18+ family members may download a paper application for a library card, available free of charge, by clicking here.
Teachers can apply for a teacher library card here.