Library » What Happened @ Lincoln Library in the 2023-2024 School Year

What Happened @ Lincoln Library in the 2023-2024 School Year

Summer with the LibrarySummer With the Library EspanolGoodies
last day to check out
We are headed to YALLWest!
Join us on
our annual pilgrimage to the greatest book festival of all time on Saturday May 4th from 8:30AM to 4:30PM.

Please stop by the library to pick up a field trip slip or to ask Ms. Moayeri questions about this special event.

Deadline to turn in completed field trip slips is April 12th.


Ms. Moayeri's 2023 Reading Challenge on Goodreads has concluded!
Check out her "Year in Books" below.
You can follow her on Goodreads right here.
2023 year in books
Even if Lincoln Library isn't physically available to you over winter break, you can still access ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, newspapers, movies, TV series, podcasts and music using your Los Angeles Public Library Student Success Card, which you can retrieve from Schoology. Get yours here.
Check out these suggestions for ebooks and audiobooks from our Lincoln Library Team.
Click their image to get to link straight to their selections at LAPL or Open eBooks.
To request an Open eBooks access code and PIN, click here.
Digital Platforms 1
Digital Platforms 2
Digital Platforms 3
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What we do with weeded books at Lincoln Library.
Christmas Tree Made of Books
Happy Día de los Muertos!
The Lincoln Library Team made some virtual ofrendas based on research of the holiday and a famous deceased person of their choice in Gale Databases via Los Angeles Public Library and their Student Success Cards as well as an article from Smithsonian Magazine.

It's Banned Books Week!! Lincoln Library has almost all of the top 13 books that were banned this year and is happy to have to read them. Come through to check them out.Banned Books 2023
Banned Books library
Here are some details on the most challenged books of this past year courtesy of the American Library Association.
Banned Books Infographic Page 1Banned Books Infographic Page 2
Check out the selections from our library collection handpicked by the Lincoln Library Team. Click each image to see learn more about that period's choices.
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Period 7
Period 8
Ms. Moayeri interviews young adult author and film and television writer/producer/director, Abdi Nazemian (pictured below) for Book and Film Globe. Check out the interview here and check out his books at Lincoln Library or Los Angeles Public Library.
Abdi Nazemian
Abdi Nazemian Books