Lincoln High School at the start of the 2023 school year has 949 students. Each year, our school services the needs of approximately one thousand students. At the beginning of this year, our school populations is 79% Hispanic, 17% Asian, 1.6% Black and 1.4% White.
Our student population consists of 170 special education students, 78 are English learners, and 296 gifted students, and 353 SELs (Probable Standard English Learners). All data acquired in August 2023 from LAUSD Focus.
Year |
Hispanic |
& |
Asian |
& |
Black |
% |
White |
% |
Other |
% |
Total |
2023 |
747 |
79% |
157 |
17% |
15 |
2% |
13 |
1% |
17 |
2% |
949 |
2022 |
766 |
78% |
176 |
18% |
16 |
2% |
9 |
1% |
14 |
1% |
981 |
2021 |
774 |
76% |
213 |
21% |
17 |
2% |
10 |
1% |
9 |
1% |
1,023 |
2020 |
813 |
74% |
238 |
22% |
27 |
2% |
15 |
1% |
13 |
1% |
1,106 |
2019 |
712 |
71% |
240 |
24% |
22 |
2% |
13 |
1% |
15 |
1% |
1,002 |
Grade |
Total Students |
Ninth Grade |
209 |
Tenth Grade |
237 |
11th Grade |
256 |
12th Grade |
247 |
Enrollment by Grade Level (2023)
Total Students |
Percentage |
Lincoln SH |
642 |
68% |
MST Magnet |
234 |
25% |
ESP Magnet |
73 |
8% |
Enrollment by School/Magnets
Total Students |
Percentage |
EL |
78 |
9% |
Special Education |
170 |
18% |
Gifted |
296 |
30% |
SELs |
353 |
37% |
Enrollment by Subgroup
Total Students |
Percentage |
English Only |
327 |
9% |
76 |
18% |
78 |
30% |
461 |
37% |
Enrollment by Language Classification