Increasing our graduation rate is one of the highest priorities at Lincoln High School. All decision-making revolves around how we can prepare our students college-ready. Our overall graduation rate has steadily increased because of increased efforts to provide multiple opportunities for students to make up classes and fulfill graduation requirements. Some solutions include credit recovery classes (Pass classes), winter and spring sessions, eight class block scheduling, and acceleration days.
** Our official graduation rate is not available yet on the California Dashboard for 2023. In order to get an unofficial grad rate I calculated the total number of students who graduated and the total number of students who are considered non-grad, dropouts and under an alternative curriculum option.
The graduation rate comes out as 91%
Total # of students graduated= 230
Total # of non-grad students=6
Total # of Alt Ed Curriculum= 5
Total # of Students who did not complete and are considered dropouts=11
Total # of non-grad students=6
Total # of Alt Ed Curriculum= 5
Total # of Students who did not complete and are considered dropouts=11
Graduation Rate |
Change |
2023 |
91% ** |
3% |
2022 |
88% |
5.4% |
2021 |
Data Not Posted |
2020 |
Data Not Posted |
2019 |
82.1% |
5.9% |
2018 |
76.1% |
-1.8 |
2017 |
77.9% |
-10.4% |
Overall Yearly Graduation Rate and Change (CA Dashboard)