Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
What Is EOP?
The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) is designed to improve access and retention of historically low-income and educationally disadvantaged students. EOP students have the potential and demonstrated motivation to perform satisfactorily at a CSU, but they have not been able to realize their fullest potential because of their economic or educational background.
The program provides admission and academic assistance to EOP-eligible undergraduate students. In many cases, the program offers financial assistance to eligible students. Campuses tailor their programs to accommodate the needs of their student population.
What Can EOP Do for You?
EOP provides information to help you select a campus and assists you in completing the admission process. Once admitted as an EOP student, you may be eligible to enroll in an EOP summer program to strengthen your math, reading, or other skills. Orientation sessions are provided to help you learn about campus services and programs. During your enrollment in college, you can receive counseling, tutoring, and advising services. If you are eligible, an EOP grant may be awarded.
Who May Apply?
Only historically low-income and educationally disadvantaged undergradate students who need admission assistance or support services to succeed in college are admitted to EOP. They must demonstrate academic potential and motivation, be California residents or qualify for an AB 540 nonresident tuition exemption, and meet the EOP income criteria stated below. Applicants may access EOP information and download the EOP application forms from the Internet Link
EOP applicants must meet the preliminary family income guidelines and demonstrate their family is unable to provide an annual contribution of more than $2,000 toward their college expenses. Applicants whose total family income exceeds the guidelines may be considered only if their Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for financial aid purposes does not exceed $2,000.
These guidelines are not intended to exclude economically disadvantaged students, but to identify and give priority to the most financially needy applicants.