Memoirs » What it was like in the 60's

What it was like in the 60's

Sender Anna Andrizzi
Posted On 2009-05-10
Year 1960's
Memoir First the school was not painted yellow, it was beige. There was a senior court, for senior's only.

The big day for us was senior day when the new senior class would being out ther colors and name.

There would be games played in the gym area.

For the girls "Cotton Day" was fun we girls wore new cotton dresses and there was a dance that night in the gym.

In class there was always order, no talking, no cell phones, no computers. No running in the halls.

We had great music then, my favorite "Rock Around the Clock," movie "Peyton Place" ask your grand mother and grand father.

The cinnamon rolls in cafe were great and only were 25 cents.

We could not wear clothes, like you wear and teacher's were always dressed in suits, the ladies in nice dresses.

The out going senior class always put on a show before they left. I remember one time there was a girl in class and she was in a dance scene, everytime she kicked her foot up her flat (shoe) would go flying into the people watching and it stopped the dance everytime. We laughed so hard, until the teacher made her take of she shoes.

The good old day's sorry you missed them, they were great. Every four months six of us from Lincoln get together, Betty M. (S'61) my sister Patty A. (S'63 ) Suzette A. (S'63) Lily N. (W'63) Suzanne M.(S'63) and myself.

By the way I am still looking for Herbert Johnson (W'61)

Have a great life.

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