Skramstad, Mike » Home


Who is Mr. Skramstad?

I serve as Technology Coordinator, Computer Science teacher (AP included), Yearbook Advisor, and support the entire student body and staff at Lincoln with their technology needs.  I seek to make students and teachers' lives easier and more effective through the use of technology. I assist classes in the computer lab in 209 and solve a myriad of technology issues school wide.  I am a constant advocate for educational technology wherever its inclusion makes sense.

I have a Bachelor's in Psychology from UCLA, a teaching credential in English and Computer Applications and Concepts, and a Master's from Cal State LA in Instructional Technology in Leadership.

I am a baseball fanatic, coffee lover, and a tech enthusiast.  I am the tallest teacher on campus (6'5) and often can be found in Room 209 or refilling his mug with coffee wherever available.

You can reach me by calling (323) 441-4600 x209 or emailing him at [email protected].